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Citrix Secure Gateway SSL Installation Instructions

If the Citrix Secure Gateway is on Windows, use the IIS certificate installation instructions. If you have Access Gateway 8.0 Enterprise Edition follow these instructions:

  1. When you receive your signed certificate from the certificate authority, and pair it with the private key you generated earlier and install it to the /nsconfig/ssl directory on the Access Gateway.
  2. Then at a command prompt, type:

    add ssl certKey -cert [-expiryMonitor ( ENABLED | DISABLED ) [-notificationPeriod <]]

  3. You can view the certificate and private key you installed on the Access Gateway using the show ssl certkey command. This command shows the details of the certificate and private key combinations and also the number of days left before the certificate expires. For example:

    show ssl certkey

    1) Name: certkey_1
    Cert Path: /nsconfig/ssl/certs/rsa/rsa2048.pem
    Key Path: /nsconfig/ssl/certs/rsa/rsa2048key.
    Format: PEM
    Status: Valid, Days to expiration:968
    Certificate Expiry Monitor: DISABLED

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Citrix Secure Gateway SSL Installation Instructions Comments



Hi Amy,

Without a private key file you won't be able to convert a .pem file to a .pfx file. If you open up the .pem file and see "BEGIN PRIVATE KEY" then you can copy that part to a separate text file and convert it to a .pfx using

Otherwise, you'll need to create a new CSR and certificate.


Can you tell me how I can convert .pem to .pfx file which .pem been extracted from Citrix NetScaler.

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