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View SSL Cipher details using CipherFox

A new Firefox plug-in, dubbed CipherFox, allows you to view the specific SSL cipher that is being used to encrypt your connection to a web site. It will also display the keysize of the cipher. In addition, the plug-in allows you to disable the RC4 cipher. RC4 encryption will then be disabled for all sites, and the next available cipher will be used, AES (eg. Gmail) or Triple-DES (eg. Newegg) in most cases. By enabling that option, an "Enable RC4" option is added to the Tools menu to quickly toggle the cipher when it is needed.

Download CipherFox 1.0 - [Mozilla]

Originally posted on Sun Sep 21, 2008



This is great news, a lot more things should be shown that aren't, Opera currently shows this info if you mouse over but with ever increasing screen sizes there is very few excuses that could be used to not show this information all the time.

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